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From the Stone Age to the Viking Era

The name "Norway" derives from "the way north" — the sea route. This name is defined by our more than 100,000 km long coastline, a stretch equivalent to 2.5 times around the equator. Here, boats have been essential for hunting, fishing, transportation, and ritual purposes since the first settlers arrived 11,000 years ago.

  • The Oseberg ship in model
    The Oseberg ship in model Silje Katrine Robinson | Stiftelsen Museum Vest

The oldest vessels in our waters were likely skin and log boats used for fishing and hunting marine mammals in the Stone Age (9500-1700 BCE). In the Bronze Age (1700-500 BCE), plank-built vessels were introduced, in a society where the boat also played a significant role in ritual contexts. The Danish Hjortspring boat, dated to around 350 BCE, shows clear similarities with boats depicted in Norwegian rock art fields. The Nydam boat from around 320 CE, also from Denmark, gives us an idea of how Norwegian Iron Age boats — before the Viking ships — likely appeared.

In the exhibition, you can follow the development of boats from the Stone Age to the Viking era. We display an original log boat, original parts from one of the world’s oldest Viking ships — the Kvalsund ship from Sunnmøre — in addition to exceptional models of both Danish and Norwegian ship finds from the period. Here we must, of course, highlight the Oseberg and Gokstad, the two famous Viking ships from the 800s and 900s. These are shown in detailed models (1:6) that provide an excellent insight into the ships' construction.

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    Skoleelever studerer en modell av vikingeskipet Oseberg. Silje Katrine Robinson | Stiftelsen Museum Vest
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    Osebergskipet i modell Silje Katrine Robinson | Stiftelsen Museum Vest
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    Detaljer på baugen på modellen av et vikingskip Stiftelsen Museum vest | Silje Katrine Robinson
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    Detaljer på modellskipet av et vikingskip Stiftelsen Museum vest | Silje Katrine Robinson
Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.21
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2